My rating: 4 of 5 stars
The Law of Tall Girls is my second Joanne Macgregor book, and it was positively wonderful.
Earlier this year I was introduced to Joanne Macgregor through Hushed. It was a beautiful story that left me wanting to read more of the author’s work. Since reading Hushed, I have picked up Recoil but have yet to dive into it. It is certainly high up on my to-read list, but it has yet to reach the top due to how lengthy said list is. Despite the lengthy list, I was super eager to jump at The Law of Tall Girls when the chance to advance read it came about.
From the moment I heard about The Law of Tall Girls, I was intrigued. It sounded like an adorable read, one that would suck me in. It turns out I was correct in this assumption. The Law of Tall Girls was adorable, amusing, and impossible to put down. Once you’re sucked into the story, you’re lost. Once you’re pulled in, you’ll refuse to come up for air until you have finished reading – even then, you’re unwilling to accept that it is over. The story grips you in so many ways, making you fall in love in ways you’ve never considered.
Honestly, there are so many good points about this story. I could sit and write an extremely lengthy review, but I’ll narrow it down to the main elements I loved.
First up, the characters. The cast was wonderful. You quickly fall in love with the characters, everyone having something to add to the story. Be it quirky behaviours, secrets you wish to uncover, or emotional baggage you connect with on some level. It really is a wonderful cast, not just the main characters, everyone involved in the story. Some will have you laughing, others will have you wanting to slap them, and others will leave you wanting to hug the nearest person. It’s such a diverse cast in terms of the emotions pulled from you.
It’s not just the characters that evoke such strong feelings, however. Second on my list of amazing things is the story. I’m not going to say too much about this – fear of spoilers and all that – but know there is so much more to this story than a mere tale of love. It is a story with many deeper emotions connected to it, messages being sent throughout. Mixed in with the humour and feel good emotions are messages of accepting yourself, of trusting, and of following your dreams no matter what. It is an extremely deep read without feeling like one – the messages and emotions are there, but it’s not preached, it simply is.
The third thing I’m going to mention, because it’s impossible not to give it a little shout out all of its own, is the humour. I apologise to my neighbours for my three in the morning giggling, but this story certainly hit all the right spots with the humour. It hit the right spot with all of the emotions – the good and the bad, the happy and the sad – but I wanted to give a special nod to the humour that left me belly laughing despite being ill to the point of swallowing hurting.
Honestly, this is such a wonderful story. Although it took me a couple of chapters to find myself full engaged, once I was sucked in I found myself finishing this book in a single sitting. I needed to know what came next, I needed answers, and I couldn’t wait to find out how everything came together.
A truly touching read, this is certainly one people need to dive into.
Without a doubt, I’ll be reading more of Joanne Macgregor in the not too distant future.
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