My rating: 3 of 5 stars
While I’m not the biggest fan of short stories, I am always willing to give them a read when an anthology sounds intriguing and gives me the chance to try new authors. Such is what happened here, and my feelings were much the same as my feelings toward most anthologies.
Attracting Aubrey by Avery Flynn was a four-star rating. This was such an addictive read, one that pulled me in and had me falling for it with every detail that was introduced. While this does link to other work by the author, you do not need to be a fan to enjoy this one. For fans, it’s a fun little bonus. Either way, it’s a fun quick read that will have you smiling throughout.
Showmancing the Bone by Erin Mallon was a four-star rating. This was an amusing read, one that had me snorting a few times. At first, I was a wee bit tentative as it seemed a little over the top. However, as things progressed, I fell deeper for the story. It was the best kind of silly, ensuring I adored each moment – even the predictable ones – that played out.
Not Just a Crush by Helena Hunting was a three-star rating. This was an okay read for me, one I don’t think I was the right reader for. It was a little too simplistic for me, plus I found it to be a bit repetitious. I know many people are a big fan of the author’s work and are likely to love this quick read, but there was not enough depth for me.
Central Park by Jana Aston was a four-star rating. This was another amusing read, one that hit me with all the feels. It was another story that erred toward over the top, yet it worked. It had me smiling and unable to put it down, hooked on all the details. Although this played out in a very predictable manner, it was a lot of fun.
The Doctor and The Dungeon Master by Jiffy Kate was a three-star rating. This was another okay read for me, another where I think I was not the right reader. There were a couple of things in this one that I found amusing, but mostly I was indifferent. I think fans of the author who know the other characters will enjoy this one, but it wasn’t quite for me.
What Happens in Carolina by Karen Grey was a three-star rating. This was a sweet story, one that had me debating handing a higher rating. While I did enjoy it, it felt a little too easy for me. It was mostly dependent upon a lack of communication between the characters, and I’m not a big fan of this when it is the major reason for misunderstanding. Nevertheless, it was cute.
There is Also a Dog by Kayley Loring was a three-star rating. This was one that grew on me, one that I came to enjoy more than anticipated by the time I was done. It was built upon cliches, but it worked. It was silly (not quite to my humour, though) and addictive, ensuring I was happy to turn the pages. While I would have liked a bit more depth, it did win me over.
Comic-Complications by Krystyna Allyn was a two-star rating. This was one I really wanted to enjoy, especially as it contained so many elements that I usually love. Unfortunately, this one just didn’t work for me. I never connected with the characters, never quite finding them likeable, and had hoped for a lot more from it. I can see it appealing to many, but it wasn’t quite for me.
Pash No Rash by Penny Reid was a three-star rating. This was one where I rounded my rating up, with my not quite a full three-star rating reflecting the fact that this is just a single scene. Had this been more, it could have been wonderful. As it was, it felt like a glimpse of something that was never quite complete. An interesting concept, but it would have worked much better as a full story instead of a single scene.
Things Liars Fake by Sara Ney was a three-star rating. This was one that had me conflicted, leaving me somewhat unsure how I felt. While the idea was interesting, it was one that I found very difficult to connect with. Nothing really pulled me in the way it should have, and I found it easy to forget once I was done with it. For me, it was lacking that something to make it stand out.
The Runaway Bride by Sonali Dev was a three-star rating. This was one I didn’t quite connect with at first, only for it to win me over. At first, I was unsure where the story was going and felt like things were introduced without having the impact they could have. However, I fell deeper for the story the more I read. While it was not my favourite, it was certainly one that won me over.
Close Encounters of the Nerd Kind by Susannah Nix was a three-star rating. This was a cute read, one that grew on me. At first, it all felt very cliched and surface-level. While this was true throughout, it was a story that did have me smiling. It was cute and enjoyable, and it hit the right spot for a quick read.
All in all, this was a mixed bag. There were a couple of stories that really stood out for me, and I can certainly see the variety appealing to people. The only thing I will say is that some of this fit into the ‘nerd’ label much more than others.
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