My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I’m somewhat particular when it comes to my science fiction reads. I love a good science fiction book, and yet I pick up so few. I want to pick up more, and yet the books need to scream out to me before I will take the dive.
The White Robe is a great little read, pulling you in from start to end, whilst getting you to think about deeper aspects of life than you expect to. It’s a short read, one that can be completed in no time at all, and yet there is so much to the story. We have great world building. We have well rounded characters. We have action. We have a storyline that moves at a great pace. We have mystery and deception. All in all, there is a lot to be found in these pages and I certainly recommend science fiction fans pick up the book.
Truthfully, I could say so much about this one. I’m not, though. It’s one of those books you need to read to truly appreciate. Things are brought together so well that I fear the structure will collapse should I say the wrong thing. It is so easy to let something slip with this one, so easy for me to accidently say too much. Thus, I’m merely going to address my favourite aspect.
My biggest love was the new world, the setting. Honestly, it was so much fun. A planet that is mostly water – I’m game. But there is so much more than that. We have storms. We have alien creatures. We have the way in which human society works on this planet – big props for how the story didn’t get caught up in the how and why of the humans being on another planet, rather we’re told enough to give us knowledge but we’re not pulled down by particulars. Then there is the aspects involved in the mystery. There is more than we’re made to believe, an even larger aspect to be found. Again, though – spoilers.
I know this is a rather short review, I know I say very little, but there is just too much to say and I’d rather fangirl with someone than simply throw information at you. Know this is a gem of a read, and I’m so grateful the author contact me for a review. I really appreciate it.
Now, science fiction fans, get to work on reading this!
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