My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I have a rather complicated relationship with the classics. I want to have read them all, yet I find a lot of them difficult to work through; every so often I will read some I like, only to hit a brick wall that leaves me unwilling to continue; I enter with either high or low hopes, usually to be given the opposite of what I’d been expecting. Basically, it will take me a very long time to work through all the classics I wish to read. I wish I could say otherwise, I wish I could just pick them up and power through them with a smile on my face; unfortunately, such is not the case. I’m destined to be one of those people, one of those readers with very few classics under their belt.
When it came to Rebecca, I was never sure what I would think. Truthfully, it was one of those for which I feared the worst. Thus, you can imagine my surprise when I found myself oddly addicted to this one. I’d expected one of those terribly annoying romances, whereby we spend the entire book with our heroine swooning. Whilst there was quite a bit of focus upon the romance, with our lead female being rather annoying with her thought processes at time, there was also a lot more to the story than I’d expected there to be. Even though I knew how certain aspects of the story ended, there was still a lot of information I was unaware of and this made it all the more fun to read.
Honestly, I could say so much about this one, yet I always fear doing such a thing when it comes to classics. I feel as though I’m repeating everyone else, people who are in a much better position to state a claim. Just know it’s easy to understand why it’s a classic.
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