My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I recently read the third book in this series, Up for Everything, only to realise I needed to read the prior books. Not in the sense that the third book made no sense – it worked perfectly fine as a standalone novel – rather I was desperate to know more of the story. Each book in this series tells the story of a different friendship couple, allowing us to see how they reached their happily ever after, and after reading Sam’s story I wanted to find out what had happened with the other couples.
I’ll be honest by saying Up for Grabs had caught my attention a couple of times in the past. It’s one of those books I was never one hundred percent sure if I wanted to read. It sounded interesting, and yet I couldn’t quite decide if I wanted to jump in. After enjoying Up for Everything, the decision was made for me. At this point I forced my friend to let me borrow her Kindle, making the most of her Kindle Unlimited.
I enjoyed the story, as a whole, but it wasn’t quite a full four star rating. For me, it’s because I feel as though the story was lacking a little bit. Having read the third book first, I knew what was to come with this one. I knew there was a lot of drama to be had. Hell, the synopsis promises as much. However, upon reading it I felt as though the story didn’t quite live up to all the promise. It was such a unique premise, and yet most of the story reads like any other romantic novel. I wanted more drama focused around the selling her virginity aspect, instead this part of the story wasn’t introduced until we were beyond the fifty percent mark.
I’ll admit it’s a super cute little romance. It has everything you expect from such a novel. Your emotions are played with throughout, taking you on a true rollercoaster ride. I simply wanted the unique aspect of the story to play a larger part. I wanted more focus on the unique aspect of the story. I wanted it to be more than just your typical college romance, which is what it felt like for most of the book. I just feel cheated, is all. Yes, I enjoyed it, but I wasn’t as fulfilled as I had hoped to be.
Overall, it was a great read; it simply wasn’t quite the amazing read I had been hoping for.
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