My rating: 2 of 5 stars
Frozen is the first book in the Heart of Dread series. Melissa de la Cruz is one of those authors I constantly see, but never seen to pick up, yet Frozen won me over for one simple thing – dragons. I’m a lover of books with dragons in, firmly of the belief any book can be improved by the addition of dragons, thus I was intrigued by this one. A dystopian society crossed over with a fantasy world – there was such potential.
Truthfully, I was extremely disappointed by this one. I expected so much, yet it failed to deliver. At a push, I would go so far as to give it a two-point-five-star rating, but that is me being generous. It really is the potential that had me wanting to give the higher rating at a push, but deep down I do not believe it reached all the places it could have reached.
For me, my biggest issue is that everything seemed to be glossed over. Every time I thought something good was about to happen, it would be skipped over. An event would occur, and rather than diving into any depth about what was happening, it was over before it started. We never really got to experience anything – we were simply told things had happened. Due to this, I was disappointed by a lot of what happened – I could have enjoyed things, but I was never given the chance to.
In truth, had I not brought all three books when they were on offer I would not be continuing with this series.
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