Friday 17 May 2019

Review: Déjà Vu

Déjà Vu Déjà Vu by Karen Janowsky
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I have a weakness for superhero stories and am always happy to dive into new ones. In fact, I’m constantly on the lookout for more as I feel I have not read enough in this genre. Thus, I was happy to dive into Karen Janowsky’s Déjà Vu.

Déjà Vu offered more than just the superhero storyline I love. It offered time travel and a little used mythology, two other things I really enjoy. On top of that, this one fits plenty of other interesting elements in, ensuring the story offered plenty of to keep me addicted.

In truth, it took me a while to get into this one. There was a lot of set-up early in the book, and quite a few points where there were information dumps. These things left me interested but not invested. I was curious how everything would come together but I was not obsessed with the characters and the storyline.

As the story progressed, I grew more invested in the storyline. There are plenty of things introduced, and I’m curious to see how things will come together. I have a lot of questions, and I need to get my answers. Unfortunately, the same was not true of the characters. Although I came to know of them, I did not get to know them. I felt at a distance to them and was never invested in them as individuals. Thus, I found the romance between the lead characters didn’t quite work for me.

Overall, the first book in The Persistence of Memory series offered plenty to keep me turning the pages. It wasn’t quite the story I’d expected it to be, but it has left me curious for more.

View all my reviews

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