My rating: 5 of 5 stars
As a beta reader, one of the biggest things to throw your emotions into a complex whirlpool is finding out a book you positively adored at the early beta stages has undergone considerable changes. When I found out Bound By Shadows had grown considerably after my initial beta read, a part of me was worried. It had grown, not changed, yet my mind imagined huge changes that would have removed my favourite aspects. Fortunately, my fears were unfounded. I enjoyed the book just as much now that it is complete, even more so, than I did when I first got to read the early version of it. In fact, I got to experience the joy that comes with realising something you suggested had been taken on board.
Note, my five-star review is not a reflection of my beta reading. Nor is it influenced by any elements you may think influence my thoughts due to being close to the development of this book. The moment I read the beta version of the book, my mind screamed out for me to give a five-star rating. If I’d been able to do so then, I would have. The changes that occurred, the growth I have seen, simply made me love the book even more. The changes could have resulted in the book being given a lower rating, but it didn’t. It remained a solid five-star read, ensuring Bound By Shadows holds the spot as my current favourite read of the year. In fact, I believe it may hold the title by the time the year ends, as it will take a truly mind-blowing book to top this.
Whilst Bound By Shadows is the second book in the McAllister Justice series, know it is perfectly fine to read this book as a standalone novel. It is a wonderful read, one I’m going to be telling a lot of people to read, and so is the first book in the series. Although not necessary, Digital Velocity will help in your understanding of the male lead in Bound By Shadows. A lot of what Caden experiences in this one, a lot of the background in understanding his fears, can be understood through reading the first book. It’s not necessary as things are explained well enough in this one to make it unnecessary to read the prior book, but it will be beneficial. Not to mention, the McAllister Justice series is shaping up to be a wonderful series, and it is best to read them in order. You get to see how things have developed for the characters in the first book, you get to watch all the characters as the series progresses. I really would recommend reading this series from the start – but even if you just pick up this one, you’re in for a wonderful read.
Bound By Shadows has all the trademarks of a wonderful Reily Garrett read. There is plenty of action. There is a great mystery. There are hot moments. There is a lot of chemistry. There are great characters. There is more than enough to keep you turning page after page, ensuring you receive everything you expect from a wonderful romantic suspense book. Those who have read a prior Reily Garrett book will have an idea of what to expect, and this book provides these things in large quantities.
The first page pulls you straight into the action, kicking the story off with a bang. From that moment on, you’re pulled into the mystery, waiting to see how the events come together. Without a doubt, the thriller elements of this story are my favourite out of all my Reily Garrett reads thus far (and I only have a couple of her books I still need to read). It develops at a wonderful pace throughout, giving you ups and downs as you try to work out how everything ties together.
Throughout all of this, the romance slowly builds. I had a massive internal debate about whether Caden and Kaylee are my favourite Reily Garrett couple. You see, Conner and Kendra hold a special place in my heart, as their story in Carnal Obsession blew my mind. It was a close call, a very close call, but I think Conner and Kendra are still hanging onto that spot. I think the only reason they’re holding the spot as my favourite couple is because they are the couple to have kick started my Reily Garrett obsession, but Caden and Kaylee are an extremely close second. It really is a wonderful romance between the two of them, they work so well together as characters, and the chemistry is fabulous.
I really could rant on and on about how much I loved this book. As I’ve already stated, it’s my favourite read of the year. The only read to have earned a five-star rating from me, and I doubt November or December will manage to hand me a truly shocking read to replace Bound By Shadows as my number one read. I’m not saying I’m going to be reading a lot of bad books for the last two months of the year – but Bound By Shadows really has set the bar high. It’s a wonderful read in so many ways, the perfect book for fans of romantic suspense.
Honestly, Bound By Shadows is Reily Garrett at her finest. It demonstrates why I fell in love with her work so quickly, why she quickly became one of my favourite authors, and why I’ll jump at anything she writes. I honestly cannot wait for the next book in the McAllister Justice series – but, seriously, I will read whatever Reily Garrett brings us next.
If you’ve yet to read a Reily Garrett book, I can guarantee you’re missing out on some amazing reads.
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