My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Girl of Fire was a wonderful read, introducing us to the Expulsion Project and leaving us wanting more. Girl of Stone was a fun read, working to answer plenty of our questions whilst leaving us excited for the final book. Girl of Blood brings the trilogy together so well, offering a conclusion that will please the fans of the series.
From the first book, I’ve adored the cast of this series and couldn’t wait to see how their stories progressed in this one. Bringing together all the characters we have got to know so well throughout the series, we get to see as our favourites are put through some difficult situations as they attempt to make everything right once again. Throughout, we have our emotions pulled, leaving us unsure as to whether all the characters will make it through the story, forcing us to feel a range of emotions.
The situations and events vary so much, with a lot happening in this one. We deal with so many different aspects, bringing together all the different elements of the overall story along with giving us a few new things to worry about. In many ways, it’s like travelling back through the series – we revisit so many people and places, allowing us a glance at the things we loved in the prior books, giving us the answers we require as we work our way through space.
Both the expected and the unexpected occurred within this one, taking us on a wild ride throughout. Honestly, I could sit and explain all the details of this book that I loved so much, but to do so would be to give far too many spoilers. Just know the story is non-stop, we experience so much, and it is a wonderful end to the trilogy.
Although this brought everything together so nicely, I am sad to see the characters go. I would not be opposed to short stories or spinoff series telling the tales of the characters in the future, as I really did become so invested in all their lives.
Without a doubt, a great trilogy. I cannot wait to see what Norma Hinkens brings us next.
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