My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Upon finishing Working Stiff, I was eager to jump straight into Two Weeks’ Notice. The first book may not have hit all my buttons, but it certainly left me addicted and wanting more. I needed to see how things played out, I needed to see what came next, and I was more than willing to jump straight into the second book.
As is often the case with such books, it took me a while to get into this second book. We had the usual element of the details being rehashed, something that I found unnecessary having just come from the first book. Fortunately, this did not last as long as it sometimes does before the story started to get moving again. I wasn’t quite sure what direction this story would go in, a part of me worried it would be a repeat of the prior book when it came to trying to achieve certain goals, but I quickly found this second book was introducing a number of new elements.
You see, I enjoyed Two Weeks’ Notice a lot more for quite a few reasons. New elements were introduced, new characters appeared, new twists were added, and as a whole a lot more happened in this one. The first book had limited action in my opinion, whereas things occur throughout with this book. There’s a lot more in terms of action, and even when we step away from the action there is still a decent amount occurring. Even in the slower sections of the book, we’re still moving towards some kind of goal.
This one certainly leaves you pulled in throughout, leaving you turning page after page as you work towards your answers. Then, when you reach the end you’re left desperate to grab the next book. I wasn’t quite sure what new element would be added for book three, but the ending left me truly desperate to grab it up. The twist added, the new element, will leave you grabbing book three instantly. It’s certainly a book that will leave you begging for answers.
Without a doubt, a much stronger second book.
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