My rating: 4 of 5 stars
The Billionaire's Trust is a wonderful debut novel, ensuring I will be picking up the future books in Erin Swann’s Covington Billionaires series.
The Billionaire’s Trust is one of those books that pulls you in deep, refusing to let go until you have finished the story. A one sit read, for many, I am sure, as putting the book down is an extremely difficult task. There were many points where I told myself ‘just one more chapter’ and one quickly became two, before two became three, and so on until I had finished the book. It sucked me in, and I could not put it down.
Billionaire books are a dime a dozen in contemporary romance, yet we never seem to get bored with the theme. By this point, I’m noticing certain elements that are consistent throughout all such books, but so long as something more is added, I’m happy. With The Billionaire’s Trust, we do get that something a little bit different, something to make the book a unique read.
Whether you’re looking for an interesting storyline, great characters, or steamy scenes, this book will deliver something for you. The storyline is intriguing, with more being added to it as the story progressed. I’ll be honest by saying I was unsure at the start, I wasn’t quite sure what direction the book was going to take, but once things started moving I found myself pulled in by so many different elements that were introduced. The characters were a lot of fun, with certain characters having me laughing out loud at their actions. I’ll be honest once again by saying I wasn’t completely taken by our leading lady, but I’ll get back to that shortly. As a whole, though, I adored the cast. The steamy scenes… well, they were certainly steamy. Each individual element pulls you in, the collective making for a great story.
As I just mentioned, though, I wasn’t entirely content. There were times that I wanted to grab our female lead and give her a good shake. I understood towards the end of the story why she acted the way she did, why certain things were important to the story, but that doesn’t lessen the annoyance that occurred early on in the story. There were times where her insecurities seemed a bit much, and I found it difficult to believe our male lead didn’t just turn his back on her. As I said though, by the end of the story, I understood.
I also felt as though things moved a little bit too fast. Not in terms of the storytelling, the storytelling was perfectly fine. Rather, the timeline of events. I’m a sucker for slow burn romances, I like it when events occur across a huge time frame – for me, and my personal preference, things moved a bit quickly in this one. Such is just a personal preference, though.
Overall, I had a lot of fun with this one. Picking up the second Covington Billionaires book is a must.
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