My rating: 4 of 5 stars
There was a point in my life where I would not pick up romance books. Well, I would not actively seek them out. It just wasn’t my thing. However, I did have an exception to the rule – I would deal with romance if it occurred in paranormal stories. It is hard to avoid romance in those situations, as often the word ‘romance’ is automatically thrown onto the end of ‘paranormal’. That has since changed, and I’m now much more willing to pick up romance books. Embarrassingly willing, if I’m completely honest. I’m not sure why, but even back in those ‘I do not like romance’ days, Pleasure Unbound was a book that intrigued me.
I’m not sure what it was about Pleasure Unbound that always called out to me. The synopsis never really gave me much, never really left a lasting impression. The cover… well, we all know what the cover is like. I’m just glad it got an upgrade and moved away from the original. I think it was mostly just the promise of demons. I love a good book about demons. Despite interest having lingered for a very long time, it took what seems like forever for me to pick up this book.
Honestly, I’m annoyed with myself for taking so long to read this.
I loved this. Like, seriously loved this. There is so much love going on. Hot damn, give me more, and all those other goodies. In other words, the Demonica series is another paranormal series to add to my list of addictions. Although this book was sitting by the side of my bed with a clear ‘read me’ vibe, I had not intended to complete it so soon. I picked it up because I needed a break from a much denser read, one of those reads you cannot power through. Pleasure Unbound is certainly a book you can power through – for all the right reasons. It sucks you in and you cannot put it down. Hell, if it were possible to avoid class at the post-graduate level this book may have resulted in an educational gap.
Larissa Ione really has created something wonderful here. Whilst things are a little bit questionable for the first couple of chapters – things are somewhat slow as the world is introduced, and certain events will result in some readers backing out before the going gets good – things quickly progress into the realm of addictive. The characters suck you in, the events will leave you needing to know what happens next, and all the details come together so well. Whilst the synopsis left me anticipating a rather simple read, this book turned out to have much more to it than I’d initially anticipated.
As the title would have you imagining, there are plenty of steamy scenes. However, there is also a story going on throughout. Some of the things were a bit on the predictable side, but everything came together so well that I did not mind the predictable elements. With so much happening, it was great to see how everything came together. Whilst there were plenty of answers, there was also plenty left over at the end. Questions about the characters that have me wanting to pick up the next book instantly, to see how everything comes together.
Without a doubt, I’m diving into book two over the weekend. I’d jump into book two right this moment, but I’ve already spent a few hours powering through this one, and sadly real-life responsibilities now call. I do not regret my decision to dive into this one, though – it’s a wonderful read, a read that promises me a new series addiction.
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