My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Earlier this year, I devoured Scarlett Dawn’s Trigger. As the first book in the Origin series, it really left me excited for more. Sadly, it took me a while to grab book two. In fact, it was only the mention of book four coming out next month that had me begging for my friend to let me use her Kindle Unlimited. I wanted to be up to date with the series, and I wanted to do in the moment.
Much like Trigger, I found Transcend to be a thoroughly addictive read. It was another story I completed in a single sitting, taking up only a couple of hours of my time. I kept telling myself I was going to put the book down, but such did not happen. I was pulled in, and I found myself constantly turning the pages.
Despite my addiction, my feelings are a little bit on the conflicted side. Some elements of the story I enjoyed more than the first book, other elements I enjoyed a lot less than the first book. Due to my level of addiction, however, I opted to give this second book a four-star rating. Like the first book, it was not perfect, however, I did enjoy it for the most part.
Transcend introduces us to a new female lead, a very different female lead character to the one introduced to us in Trigger. I wasn’t entirely sure about her at the start of the story, but she did grow on me as the story progressed. It gave the story a different experience to the first, taking us down a somewhat different route. Whilst the first book was all about doing something, this book was more about gathering the information. Both approaches are enjoyable in different ways, and I found myself rather enjoying the fact we got to see what was happening rather than being quite so stuck in the middle of it. That is not to say this is a passive book, merely that things are a lot less action based than in the first book.
Not that there is a lot of action in either of the first two books in this series. Whilst things are always happening, this series seems to focus more upon the romance elements of a paranormal romance book. I completely get such a thing, but I do feel like a bit more action needs to happen. I never really feel my heart pumping in the action scenes. In fact, the action scenes never stick in my mind like the romance scenes tend to.
Although I felt as though the action wasn’t all it could have been, I did enjoy how this book moved the story forward. It was a rather unexpected turn of events in this book, a turn of events many will not be pleased about, but it has left me super intrigued to see what comes next in the series. It is unclear how things will play out, and I cannot wait to find out more. I have ideas, of course, but I’m unwilling to make any guesses.
It should come as no surprise to find out I’m eager to dive into Torment. I’m hoping book three will provide some clues as to what we can expect for the rest of the series – if not, at least we’ll be digging deeper into the characters that are proving to be highly entertaining.
Even though we’re given insta-love stories, even though it’s not the most action-packed series in history, I am addicted. I need to know what comes next.
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