My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Although Deal Breaker is the second book in Tara Leigh’s Billionaire Bosses series, it works perfectly fine as a standalone novel. As a standalone novel is how I read this one, although I am now interested in giving Penthouse Player a read. We got a small insight into the lives of Reina and Tristan, the characters from the first book, and I’m super curious to know their story. It was only a few chapters that the characters appeared, but it was enough to leave me intrigued – especially with how much I enjoyed Deal Breaker.
In all honesty, I was a wee bit tentative when I started this one. The beginning of the book had me fearing a cliché. Down on luck female is in a sticky situation, saved by near perfect billionaire. It’s been done before. As much as I enjoy such reads, I always fear I’m close to reaching my limit – fearful nothing new can be added. Fortunately, it took very little to pull me into this story, to show the book was very much worth reading.
Both Nixie and Nash were wonderful characters, and I found myself loving them both so much. They were such entertaining characters, and the chemistry between the two of them was fabulous. Both came with baggage, with drama, and it made for many wonderful scenes. Some things were a bit on the predictable side, having been done before, but there was plenty to make this book unique. Whilst I did enjoy plenty of the events, my love for both of the characters is what won me over the most.
It’s not just our main characters who are a lot of fun, though. The entire cast was great. I feel in love with many of the characters throughout the story – and even those I didn’t come to love, I still had strong feelings towards. Without a doubt, the characters of this story really came to life. There was so much to everyone, and I enjoyed getting to know them all as the story played out in the many wonderful ways.
My only disappointment was with the ending. I was so invested in the story, so much happened, that I felt as though the ending was rather rushed. Things happened too quickly, it felt like a bit of an easy way out. I enjoyed the way some things came together, but I was not as invested in the ending as I had hoped to be. I wanted something a bit more explosive, I wanted my heartstrings to be pulled to the point of no return. Instead, I was given an ending that failed to impact me as much as the earlier part of the book.
Overall, though, I really enjoyed this one. I’ll certainly be reading more Tara Leigh in the future, especially the prior Billionaire Bosses book.
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