Monday, 19 February 2018

Review: Sweet Revenge

Sweet Revenge Sweet Revenge by Natalie E. Wrye
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Sweet Revenge is the third book in Natalie E. Wrye’s Revenge series, and it was an okay read. Compared to the first book, it was more enjoyable; compared to the second book, it was less enjoyable.

Book one earned a rounded up two-point-five-star rating from me. Book two earned a rounded up three-point-five-star rating from me. Book three has earned a solid three-star rating from me. There were a few moments where my interest faded somewhat, slipping it just below the three-star rating, but as a whole it was an okay read.

For me, most of my disappointment in this one comes from the sport element. This was advertised as a sports romance, but I would only label it as such in comparison to the two prior books. There is certainly a sportsperson as a leading character, but the sport element was not as prevalent as it usually is in a sports romance. It was just an element of the characterisation, not a pivotal point of the storyline. References were made, sure; a few aspects of the story were based upon it, I’ll admit; but it did not feel like a sports romance in the way I’m accustomed to – where the sport is almost as important as the romance.

As with the prior books, I also wasn’t crazy about the characters in this story. I’m not sure what it is about this series, but the revenge interests me more than the romance. Although I did not enjoy the revenge aspect in this book as much as I enjoyed it in the prior book, I did like how it did something a bit different. I was constantly waiting for something huge to happen, and while things may not have been explosive the reveals were enough to leave me engaged.

Overall, this was an okay third book. Not my favourite in the series, but not my least favourite either.

View all my reviews

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