My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Tammy Andresen’s Taming the Heart series was the series that introduced me to the author, and since the start I have been addicted. I’ve been eager for the next generation of stories, those telling the children’s stories, and am happy to power through them. With Taming a Wicked Rake, however, I found I wasn’t quite as in love with the story as I have been with the prior books in the series.
There is no doubt in my mind that this is another great addition to the series, but it didn’t quite pack the same punch as the prior books. It was a short read with plenty packed into it, as all Tammy Andresen stories are, but I was expecting a wee bit more from this one. Due to this, my rating is a three-point-five-star rating. I debated whether I would round up or down, but, in the end, I opted for down.
The reason for my rounding down was the predictability of the story. Our leading lady was a bit too naïve for my liking, which resulted in a storyline that happens far too often. I’m accustomed to a wee bit more from Tammy Andersen and had been expecting a wee bit more from our leading lady. Don’t get me wrong it was a fun read, certainly worth reading if you’re a fan of the series, but this one is not my favourite of the books.
I’m super eager for the next book, though.
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