My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I love a good science-fiction read, and Russ Colchamiro’s Crossline appealed to me on numerous levels. Thus, I was more than willing to dive in with the hope of being wowed.
With Crossline, we have a science-fiction novel that includes more aspects than you would imagine. There’s a bit of space travel, there’s an alternate reality and an alternate dimension, there’s visions of the future, and plenty more. Through following different characters at different points in the timeline, we get to experience a wide range of things across multiple locations.
Although Crossline was addictive, I wasn’t quite as crazy about it as I had hoped to be. I think a part of it was my sense of humour jarred with what we had in this one. There were a couple of things that made me smile, yet I feel as though many people would have let out laughter at plenty of other points too. Therefore, I did not find some of the things to be funny in the way they were clearly intended to be.
Despite the humour not matching with mine, the story did leave me addicted. I was curious to see how everything came together and had a lot of fun watching all the pieces come together. There were a lot of things to bring together in this one, and they were tied up well. It’s certainly a book that leaves you wanting to turn the pages through your desire to see how things play out.
Overall, Crossline was an addictive read.
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