Dragon School: The Ruby Isles by Sarah K.L. Wilson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I’m not the biggest fan of serial stories – I much prefer one big chunky book I can sit and devour over the course of a couple of hours – yet the Dragon School series has me addicted. In fact, it may well be the only serial I follow to the end.
Dragon School: First Flight, book one, sucked me completely into the world – it was so much more than I’d expected, and I couldn’t wait to get more. Dragon School: Initiate, book two, sucked me in even deeper – it showed me there was more to the story than I’d originally thought, ensuring I would pick up the next. Dragon School: The Dark Prince, book three, was a very important book in the series – it may not have been my favourite book, but it was vital to the overall story. Dragon School: The Ruby Isles, book four, continues to move things forward in a wonderful way – it may not be my favourite of the first four stories, but it is another important addition.
In this fourth addition to the series, we have another vital read that adds a lot to the overall story. For such a short read, so much happens throughout this one. There are plenty of big things added – numerous events that will clearly have repercussions – along with a number of smaller things that I feel are foreshadows of what is to come – things that seem to happen in passing, yet I do not believe for a minute superfluous events occurred. In fact, I feel as though everything that happened in this one will prove to be vital in the future of this series – so much happened throughout, and things really are moving at a rapid pace.
I will not give any details of what happens, but know there is plenty added to the series. The ending in particular will hit you hard – it will leave you wanting the next book, and wanting it right now. I cannot wait to see what comes next, curious to see how everything comes together based upon the bang that was the ending to this one.
Without a doubt, another fun addition to the series.
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