Tuesday, 6 February 2018

Review: Win Me Over

Win Me Over Win Me Over by Heather Slade
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Win Me Over is the fifth book in Heather Slade’s Cowboys of Crested Butte series, and my fourth read from the author. Although I have given this book a three-star rating, know it is a rounded down rating and it’s actually my second favourite of my four Heather Slade reads. I did consider rounding up, but in the end I decided I couldn’t quite do so.

My first Heather Slade book, Kiss Me Cowboy, was a two-point-five-star rating rounded up. My second Heather Slade book, The Gift, earned a solid three-star rating. My third Heather Slade book, Stay with Me, earned a rounded up four-star rating. It wasn’t quite a solid four-star rating, but it was so close I had to round up. Win Me Over came close to being rounded up, but it wasn’t quite to the same level as Stay with Me. It’s a much stronger three-star rating than my two other three-star Heather Slade reads, but it wasn’t quite four-star material.

I think the biggest reason for my rounding down is that I expected something more from this story. I’d come to enjoy our male lead as I got to know him in my prior Cowboys of Crested Butte reads, and I expected big things from him. What I knew of him had me expecting a wonderful story, left me expecting an addiction to his tale. While his story was interesting, it wasn’t quite what I had hoped for. It was enjoyable enough, but I had expected something a bit more explosive, making it seem rather tame in the end.

Don’t get me wrong, the story was interesting enough. There is plenty of drama throughout, but I wasn’t as connected as I had hoped to be. Considering the things the characters experienced throughout this book, considering some of the events, I had expected to be hit harder emotionally. I enjoyed what was going on, but I never really felt anything.

I’m on the fence as to whether Heather Slade is an author I am going to continue following. Although I find her work enjoyable enough, it never quite hit all the right spots. I know she has a new series coming out soon, and I’m hoping starting a series from the beginning may change my view – my fingers are crossed for the future in that regard.

View all my reviews

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