Thursday, 1 February 2018

Review: Starcross

Starcross Starcross by Samantha Jane
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The first book in The Order of Orion series, Starborn, won me over in no time at all. It sucked me into the world, and I could not wait to find out more about the wonderful world Samantha Jane had created. Thus, I jumped straight into Starcross.

Although Starcross tells an individual romance story, you do need to read Starborn to get the much bigger picture. Things in this book pick up where the prior book left off, and details will only make sense if you have read the prior book. It is a series where each romance story will have a start and an end point within an individual book, but to understand the main story throughout you need to read the books in order. If you have yet to read Starborn I suggest you turn back now – I promise, you will not regret reading it.

While I did enjoy Starborn a lot, I loved Starcross even more. In fact, I enjoyed this one even more than I thought possible. After reading Starborn I was excited as to what would come next, after reading the synopsis of Starcross my excitement increased tenfold, and after finishing Starcross I find myself desperate for book three. This series is promising to be absolutely amazing, and I cannot wait to see what comes next.

Picking up where Starborn ended, Starcross follows two of the characters from the first book as we are introduced to the bad guys. Sure, we got a little bit about them at the end of Starborn, but in Starcross we step foot into their world. With Eve as our leading lady, you know you’re in for a good time.

I won’t say too much about the actual events, as I do not wish to be the person handing out spoilers, just know a lot happens throughout this one. Every page has action, every word sucks you in. You’ll be turning page after page, wanting more of the story, needing to know how everything comes together. Everything that happens in this one was so much fun, and I adored it more than I thought possible.

The events were enough to leave me loving the story, but the romance really won me over in this one. I enjoyed the couple in this book so much more than I enjoyed the couple in book one. They went together so well, the events that played out were perfect for them, and I was disappointed when their story reached an end. We’ll get to see more of them in the future books, I’m sure, but it just won’t be the same – I was completely lost to their relationship, falling so deeply.

I think the only thing that disappointed me was the level of darkness in this book. Considering the things that have been said about the bad guys, considering the warnings made to characters, I felt as though things weren’t as dark as they could have been. I was prepared for something much darker, and left the book wishing I’d had a little bit more. There was some darkness to it, bad things do happen, but I’d expected a more consistent level of something darker. That’s just me, though.

Overall, I adored this second book. I’m seriously excited for book three, and cannot wait to get my hands on it!

View all my reviews

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