My rating: 3 of 5 stars
My first Dean Koontz book had me obsessed, with the following few books I read earning him a spot on my favourite authors list. However, with the more books I read, the more I find Dean Koontz can be very hit or miss. Some of his books are wonderful – I feel as though I lucked out by grabbing so many of the great ones as my introductory Koontz reads – but some of his books are more difficult to work through. With how many Koontz books I have read, with how I’m now branching out to the less popular ones, it is no surprise that I’m stumbling upon more than I’m finding myself to be less than crazy about.
The Good Guy sounded like it would be a wonderful read, suggesting it would give me plenty of enjoyment. In fact, I was expecting a lot from this one. Once I got started, however, I found the story was not what I’d hoped it would be. It was interesting, it was enjoyable enough to have me reading until the end, but it was far from the book I’d hoped it would be. In other words, The Good Guy is far from the best example of what Koontz can do.
The Good Guy had such an interesting premise, yet it failed to hit the sweet spot that would have ensured a wonderful read. It had potential, but it failed to deliver all it could have. Instead of being the edge-of-your-seat read you would expect from such a tale, this one failed to get the adrenaline pumping. I wanted to see how everything played out, I was curious about what mysteries were being hidden, but I wasn’t invested in the way I would have liked. In fact, this wasn’t quite a full three-star rating, if I’m being brutally honest.
Overall, The Good Guy is far from my favourite Koontz read.
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