My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Nightshade is a book that has regularly appeared in my recommendations section, seeming to appear after each new shifter book I read. When the library got in on the action, recommending it on my home page, I decided it was time to borrow the book and see whether it would be all I had hoped for.
As much as I wanted to adore Nightshade, it didn’t quite do it for me. It was a quick and easy read, but it was not a read that wowed me. There were plenty of things I could have fallen in love with, plenty of things I should have been obsessed with, but it failed to wow me. In fact, I spent more time focusing upon the things that bugged me instead of on the things I should have been enjoying.
There were two things that stopped me from loving this one. The first was the whole alpha female thing. When you tell me a character is an alpha female, I expect to see an alpha female. A strong character, one willing to do what is necessary, yet such was not the case here. I know with the way things worked out in the story it was supposed to show how she was having her power taken from her, but I never felt it was there to begin with. The second thing was the romance. I’m over love triangles, and even if I wasn’t there was no feeling to be felt towards either of the males. One was instalove and the other was a wishy-washy emotional response. I couldn’t get invested in the romance at all, and more of the book was dedicated to it than the world that could have been fun.
Despite this, it was an interesting world. A part of me is debating reading the second book to see if we dig deeper into the universe, as I am curious about it. There is so much potential, and I’m hoping we dig deeper into it. I doubt I’ll be picking the book up soon, as there are plenty of other books I wish to read, but I may do so further down the line.
Although not quite what I’d wanted, it was good for a quick read.
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