Friday, 26 January 2018

Review: Unacquainted

Unacquainted Unacquainted by Leigh Lennon
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

In Leigh Leonnon’s Unfiltered we were introduced to Justine’s eclectic family. We were given an insight into the drama and love they exude, shown the kinds of things we could expect. Although you do not need to read Unfiltered to understand Unacquainted, I would certainly recommend giving it a read first. Reading Unfiltered makes the powerful standalone that is Unacquainted even more powerful.

Unacquainted takes places a few years after the main events in Unfiltered came to an end. Those who read Unfiltered are given an insight into things through the epilogue, with this book picking up a few weeks later. In this one, we are given Rose’s story. We still get plenty of insights into the rest of the family – we follow Justine some more, and get to see what we can expect in the future books – but this one is all about the life changing year of Rose’s life.

From the very first page, I was sucked into this one. This book may not have used my favourite romance trope – but it certainly won me over. In fact, I can easily say I enjoyed Unacquainted even more than I enjoyed Unfiltered. Both were wonderful books, both kept me turning the pages, but my second Leigh Lennon book griped me harder. In truth, I think this is because I found Unacquainted to be even more intense than Unfiltered, and that is what gripped me extremely hard.

You see, Leigh Lennon is an author who takes the difficult elements of life and turns it into something beautiful. I experienced so many emotions throughout Unfiltered, and Unacquainted followed suit. As soon as I read the synopsis of Unwanted, the third book following this family, I knew things would only get more emotional. Without a doubt, this is a series where you need a box of tissues whenever you jump into one of the books.

As I mentioned, you experience so much throughout the telling of this story. You’re sucked in on the very first page, and the events continue to hit you as you work your way deeper into the story. You fall in love with the characters, you feel what they feel, and you cannot help but hope for the best. Although you are given something beautiful, Leigh Lennon makes sure it is realistic. There are difficulties to overcome, issues that need to be dealt with, and these continue to hit you until the very end of the book. There are shocks to be had, and emotions to be felt, and you’ll come out of this book feeling so much.

There is no doubt Unacquainted solidified my feelings about this series – it is intense in the best way possible, ensuring I will continue to grab the books.

View all my reviews

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