Saturday 29 June 2019

Review: Recursion

Recursion Recursion by Blake Crouch
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A couple of years ago, I read Blake Crouch’s Dark Matter. It was one of my favourite books of the year, and since then I’ve been desperate to dive into more of the author’s work. As you can imagine, there was a lot of excitement when I heard about Recursion. The more I read about it, the more excited I became. I made sure my name was at the top of the list at the library, ensuring I was the first to borrow the book, and as soon as it became available I devoured it.

From the very first page, Recursion sucked me in. I was lost to the story and I powered through it in no time at all. I may not have enjoyed it quite as much as I enjoyed Dark Matter, but it was a story that had me addicted throughout. It hooked me, and I could not put the book down. It contained all the things that made Dark Matter so much fun whilst being a completely unique book. It was exactly what I’d been hoping for from Blake Crouch and I’m returning to my state of desperate anticipation as I await whatever magic the author is going to bless us with next.

After just two books, I’m positive Blake Crouch is going to be my permanent go-to for the perfect combination of science fiction and thriller. Both elements are done wonderfully, and you find yourself unable to put the book down as every page leaves you desperate for more. You’re constantly being given new information that leaves you hooked, and each new detail will leave you with new theories. With Recursion, Blake Crouch has you thinking long and hard about the link between memory and time travel. Two things I had not expected to go together, and yet Blake Crouch has created a compelling story based upon a wonderful science fiction theory.

Was I disappointed with Recursion? Not at all. My only disappointment is that I’m going to have to wait for the next Blake Crouch release. It’ll be painful, but I know it’s going to be worth it.

View all my reviews

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