Saturday 23 June 2018

Review: Dragon School: Dark Night

Dragon School: Dark Night Dragon School: Dark Night by Sarah K.L. Wilson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The tenth book in Sarah K.L. Wilson’s Dragon School series, and my addiction is as strong as ever. I’ve said since the start that I am not a big fan of serial series, and yet this one continues to hold my attention. My love of dragons ensured I would be entertained by this one, and yet that alone was not enough to explain the level of love I have for this series.

Dragon School: First Flight, book one, sucked me completely into the world – it was so much more than I’d expected, and I couldn’t wait to get more. Dragon School: Initiate, book two, sucked me in even deeper – it showed me there was more to the story than I’d originally thought, ensuring I would pick up the next. Dragon School: The Dark Prince, book three, was a very important book in the series – it may not have been my favourite book, but it was vital to the overall story. Dragon School: The Ruby Isles, book four, continues to move things forward in a wonderful way – it may not be my favourite of the stories, but it is another important addition. Dragon School: Sword, book five, was another brilliant read, adding more to the series – it was also the book that reminded me why I was following the series in the first place, pulling me back in after a short hiatus. Dragon School: Dusk Covenant, book six, added plenty of new twists – more than enough to ensure I remained ensnared with the story. Dragon School: First Message, book seven, brought even more to the table – more was added to the storyline, plenty of things leaving me curious as to what would come next. Dragon School: Warring Promises, book eight, left on a serious cliff-hanger – all the books leave on a cliff-hanger, but this was probably the biggest of them all. Dragon School: Prince of Dragons, book nine, was probably my least favourite of the series, but it continued to move things forward for us.

Dragon School: Dark Night took us back to the level of intensity that had me obsessing over the prior books, taking us back to the good stuff. As with all the books in the series, Dragon School: Dark Night was a quick read, one with plenty to keep you hooked throughout. We have plenty of action and drama, new things are revealed, and the world continues to develop. In fact, it brings all the goodies to the fore in abundance, making this one of my favourite books in the series.

I think what made this one of my favourites thus far is the things that have been opened up for the next book. All of the books have developed the world in a wonderful way, yet this one promises us so much of what I want. In other words, we’re about to get a lot more dragons. This book had plenty of dragon action – I love a good dragon fighting scene – but the next book promises us the side of the world that is all about the dragons I adore so much.

So yeah, I have big hopes for the next book in the series.

View all my reviews

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