My rating: 3 of 5 stars
We’re fifteen books into the Dragon School series, closing in on the end, and I’m just as addicted as ever. I will be honest and say this is the first three-star rating I have given to any of the books, but it’s quite an achievement when you consider just how many stories there have been thus far. Although this is my lowest rating, it was still an important book in the series.
Dragon School: First Flight, book one, sucked me completely into the world – it was so much more than I’d expected, and I couldn’t wait to get more. Dragon School: Initiate, book two, sucked me in even deeper – it showed me there was more to the story than I’d originally thought, ensuring I would pick up the next. Dragon School: The Dark Prince, book three, was a very important book in the series – it may not have been my favourite book, but it was vital to the overall story. Dragon School: The Ruby Isles, book four, continues to move things forward in a wonderful way – it may not be my favourite of the stories, but it is another important addition. Dragon School: Sword, book five, was another brilliant read, adding more to the series – it was also the book that reminded me why I was following the series in the first place, pulling me back in after a short hiatus.
Dragon School: Dusk Covenant, book six, added plenty of new twists – more than enough to ensure I remained ensnared with the story. Dragon School: First Message, book seven, brought even more to the table – more was added to the storyline, plenty of things leaving me curious as to what would come next. Dragon School: Warring Promises, book eight, left on a serious cliff-hanger – all the books leave on a cliff-hanger, but this was probably the biggest of them all. Dragon School: Prince of Dragons, book nine, was one of my least favourites in the series, but it continued to move things forward for us.
Dragon School: Dark Night, book ten, was one of my favourites in the series, increasing the level of intensity and leaving us with so many expectations. Dragon School: Bright Hopes, book eleven, was a pivotal book in the series, giving us so many new twists and making so many promises for the future. Dragon School: Mark of Loyalty, book twelve, blew all the prior books out of the water, earning it the label as my favourite in the series. Dragon School: Dire Quests, book thirteen, didn’t quite live up to the potential, but I did give it a rounded up three-point-five-star rating. Dragon School: Ancient Allies, book fourteen, was another rounded up rating. Dragon School: Pipe of Wings, sadly, was my least favourite, one I was unable to round up despite my desire to do so.
For me, Pipe of Wings didn’t quite have the level of intensity as the prior books in the series – something we really need now that we’re closing in on the ending. It was vital in terms of information, it brought us plenty of new things that will be important now the story is coming to an end, but I felt as though very little happened. I’m not saying it was a filler book, because things did happen, they simply weren’t to the standard of the prior books in the series. Pipe of Wings, in my mind, was a book filled with information, which lessened the impact overall but increased the importance.
Without a doubt, Dragon School: Pipe of Wings has ensured I will pick up book sixteen with haste, even if it didn’t win me over in the way the other books have.
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