My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Erin Michelle Sky and Steven Brown have been on my radar for quite some time. In fact, from the moment I stumbled upon The Intuitives, I was curious and in need of more. It sounded like such an interesting read, something I would really enjoy. Instead of reading The Intuitives, though, I did my usual trick. Instead of picking up the book to have left me curious about the authors, I picked up a different book instead. Thus began my foray into The Wendy.
I love a good Peter Pan retelling and was instantly lured in by the possibilities offered by The Wendy – especially when I realised The Wendy is just the first book in The Tales of the Wendy series. A whole series based around a Peter Pan retelling? Of course, I was more than willing.
Although The Wendy was an interesting read, I need to be honest and say it wasn’t quite all I had hoped it would be. It was an interesting retelling, offering something different. It had all the characters you would hope to see in a retelling. It offered up a lot for the future of the series. It had some nice messages. However, it failed to satisfy me in the way I had hoped for. In fact, if I’m being completely honest, this wasn’t quite a full three-star rating – I rounded up, as giving a two-star rating felt overly harsh.
You see, while the book had lots of nice things for us to learn about, I feel as though nothing really happened. It was one of those first books in a series where we get lots of information, we get to know the world and the characters, but we don’t really experience all that much. I kept waiting for that big moment, yet it never came. Things happened, I’m not saying otherwise, but it was nothing that blew my mind and left an impact on me. I find such first books in the series have one of two impacts upon me – I’m either curious for more or I’m willing to walk away from a series. Although I am curious to see what comes next in The Tales of Wendy series, I doubt I’ll be going out of my way to grab the second book. I’m willing to give it a read, but it will not be at the top of my to-read list.
I know I’m in the minority with my view, though, as so many people seemed to enjoy this one. For me, I simply wanted a bit more action in a Peter Pan retelling. The Wendy was fun and original, but it was not a story that had me on the edge of my seat.
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