My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Visions of Heat is the second book in Nalini Singh’s Psy-Changeling series, and my feelings towards this second book are rather mixed. It’s certainly a book that had me turning the pages, one I was more than eager to complete, but I did not enjoy it as much as I enjoyed the first book.
I’m a big lover of complex worlds in fantasy, and that was one thing I’d hoped would improve in this second book. Fortunately, it was. We got to learn a lot more about the world, and things developed in unexpected ways. There was a lot of things introduced that will be exciting to see more of in the future, and I cannot wait to see how everything comes together as we work our way through the series.
Although the world building was great, I feel as though the actual story was lacking. I like a decent amount of action in my paranormal romance reads, and I feel as though this one never reached the potential it could have. There were some moments of action, but they were few and far between – not to mention, not as action packed as they could have been. From the first book, I was able to guess this series would never quite reach the level of action that my favourite books in the genre do. However, I had been hoping for a little bit more – I felt as though what action did exist in the first book was mostly sucked out of this second book.
I’ll certainly be picking up book three – I’ve already requested it from the library – but this second book has confirmed my belief from the first book, the belief this will never be one of my favourite series in the genre. It’s fun for quick reads, but it’s lacking those little extra bits that make me crazy obsessed about paranormal romance series.
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