My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Knight is the fourth book in the Impossible series, and I was insanely excited for this one. Our male lead in this one is a character I’d come to enjoy in the prior books, and I could not wait to see how his story played out. Add in the fact this one sounded darker than the prior books, and I was more than happy to dive in.
As I’d hoped, Knight is the darkest of the first four Impossible books. This one deals with a really heavy topic and takes us to places the prior books did not. It is not the darkest book I have ever read – I have read more dark romances than I can recall – but this was more in line with my usual standard than the prior books have been.
Although plenty happens throughout Knight, it is a slower book than the prior Impossible books. However, it introduces a number of things that will play an important role in the rest of the series. With things building so slowly, you find yourself lost to the story and unaware of just how deep into it you have been sucked. I admit there were times when I felt like things did drag a bit, but the story made it more than worth it.
As much as I enjoyed the story, I’m going to be honest and say I did not feel the chemistry in this one. I really enjoyed watching the way things developed, but the relationship did not hit me in the same way the relationships did in the prior book. I think, with Knight, we could have done with some scenes from both points of views. Receiving only one point of view made it difficult to appreciate some aspects of the story, and I feel like I would have enjoyed the relationship between the two a lot more had I been inside both characters’ heads.
Overall, though, this was another fun read. It may not have been my favourite couple, but it was certainly the darkest of the stories (a fact I really enjoyed).
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