My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Karina Halle is an author who grabs my attention on a regular basis. So many of her books scream out to me, and I keep telling myself to go ahead and read them. Despite my interest, prior to A Nordic King, I had only read a single Karina Halle book. I adored it, I instantly went and downloaded more, but I have found myself constantly reading other books instead. With my enjoyment of A Nordic King, I’ve been reminded that I need to go and read more Karina Halle books. This one grabbed me in the same way my other Karina Halle book grabbed me, and I’m so desperate for more.
Royal romances have been really popular for a few months now, and the prior Karina Halle royal romance to be released did grab my attention. As you’ve already read with the first paragraph of this review, despite my interest in the author’s work I constantly find myself picking up something else instead. From what I can gather, our male lead in A Nordic King makes in appearance in Karina Halle’s other royal romance, yet A Nordic King works perfectly fine as a standalone novel. There is no doubt I will be reading the other Karina Halle royal romance now, but it is because I’m desperate for more of her work and not because of a lack of understanding.
From the very first page this one sucked me in, grabbing my heart in a vice and refusing to let go. It was a powerful read from the start, a beautifully written story, and I found myself unable to drag myself away from what was taking place. There were so many pure emotions to be felt – and I’m not just talking about the romance. Sure, the romance sucks you in deep; however, it’s the general life emotions of the characters that grip you the hardest. You fall in love with all the little things, with all the things the characters do, making it impossible to put the book down.
I will be honest and say there were points where things seemed to drag a bit, where the inner monologues seemed to pull away from what was going on. Don’t get me wrong, there was plenty of beauty to be found within those inner monologues – there were so many wonderful lines, so many things that will have you gushing – but I do feel as though it pulled the attention away from certain events. I wanted a bit more of what was going on and less of what characters were thinking. Other than that, though, I adored this story.
Without a doubt, this was a beautiful story. If you love a good royal romance, I would recommend A Nordic King a hundred times over. If you love an emotional read, I would shove A Nordic King in your hands. If you just want a book that sucks you in, then you cannot go wrong with A Nordic King.
I believe I now need to hold true to my statement of reading more Karina Halle books and dive into one of those waiting on my Kindle.
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