My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I’m not usually one for graphic novels – in fact, the handful I have read have failed to blow my mind, so I mostly avoid picking them up – yet Noelle Stevenson’s Nimona caught my attention so many times that I decided I needed to sort out my curiosity. With how many people have read and enjoyed this one, I was curious to see what the big deal was.
It is safe to say Nimona is my favourite graphic novel. I know I haven’t read many, meaning I do not have much by way of comparison, but of those I have read this is the only one I have felt like gushing over. It was adorable in so many ways, it had me hooked throughout, and I’d gladly read more. In fact, I’m curious enough that I’m going to see if the library has any more Noelle Stevenson graphic novels for me to borrow, as Nimona has left me with the belief I could easily become a graphic novel fan if I read more of this standard.
In truth, I’m really not sure how to go about reviewing this. My mind is stuck on a constant loop of ‘oh my gosh, that was adorable’, and that about sums it up. There is certainly more to the story than adorableness – there’s humour, there’s action, there’s a great storyline, there’s multidimensional characters, and plenty more to enjoy – yet my take home message is that when it comes to graphic novels, when you find the right one you are gold.
Without a doubt, Nimona is more than worth the read.
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