My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I wasn’t crazy about The Hunt, but as I brought the entire trilogy whilst on offer I decided to dive into The Prey with crossed fingers. My big issue with The Hunt was that it never quite reached the full potential, with things constantly remaining just out of reach, and I was hoping the continuation of the story would finally push us towards the good stuff.
I enjoyed The Prey more than I enjoyed The Hunt, but it still wasn’t quite everything I had hoped it would be. It left me willing to read the final book, as I wanted to see how everything came together, but it failed to suck me in completely. However, after reading The Trap, I can honestly say The Prey was my favourite book in the series.
If you enjoyed The Hunt and The Prey, you’re sure to enjoy The Trap. It has the same kind of feel as the first two books, meaning fans of the series will enjoy the way things develop in this book. At the same time, there are new elements to enjoy.
For me, I rather enjoyed the unusual twist that were thrown into this one. We get a backstory that is unusual, one that makes you stop and think. Even at the end some aspects are unclear, leaving the interpretation open to the readers. You can go in many different directions, and this makes for an enjoyable element. Personally, I went for the unusual option – whilst it may have been unlikely, it was something different and I liked that.
However, at the same time, the book does leave too many open elements. Due to this, my rating is not a full three-star rating. Instead, I rounded up. Just. You see, certain things were introduced, certain storylines appeared, things happened to characters, and we never got any answers. I like it when stories have some unanswered elements – life does not always wrap things into a pretty little bow – but it felt too much like certain elements were completely ignored. There were certain things that may have been left open in the hope of a sequel or spin-off, but I would have preferred it had things been wrapped up better.
Overall, I can see the appeal of this series even if it wasn’t for me.
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