My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Jex Lane’s Beautiful Monsters series has caught my attention on countless occasions, constantly begging me to download and read the books. Now, at long last, I have finally jumped into Captive.
I’m going to be honest and say I went in with extremely high expectations with this one, with plenty of ideas in mind based upon the countless brilliant reviews, and I was a bit surprised by what I was given. Sure, it was insanely addictive. I could not put the book down. Sure, I’m desperate for more. I’ll certainly be diving into the future books. However, it wasn’t quite everything I had expected it to be.
If I’m being brutally honest, it wasn’t quite a full four-star rating. It was strong enough for me to round my rating up, but it wasn’t quite all the way there.
Without a doubt, I was lost to the world and the events that took place throughout. I constantly found myself wanting more, sucked in and desperate to see how everything came together. I really loved the way the world came together, I enjoyed all the little bits of information that have me lingering for more, and yet there were times when I felt as though something was missing.
I can easily say what that something was. People had me expecting a much darker read than I was given, a much more twisted romance story than we were given. Things were much lighter than I thought they’d be. Sure, my idea of a dark romance is much darker than the average person’s, but I had still been hoping this would be more twisted than it was.
Overall, though, I had a lot of fun with Captive. It was incredibly addictive, and I’m curious to see what book two brings.
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