Saturday 17 August 2019

Review: Blood Union

Blood Union Blood Union by Reily Garrett
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

As with prior Reily Garrett books, I wish to make a quick note before I go into any detail regarding the book. I’m fortunate enough to beta read for Reily Garrett, lucky enough to get an insight in how the author’s books develop. However, this does not influence my rating in any way. The beta reading process is a lot of fun, but I keep my ratings of the final book separate from the beta reading process. My four-star rating reflects the final product, not what I have seen before.

As a huge Reily Garrett fan, I have read most of the author’s work. There are only a couple of stories I need to read to be able to say I have read all the author’s work, and one of those books is the first in the Immortal Lovers series. Although I have not read Unholy Alliance, I was able to understand and enjoy Blood Union.

Although I had a lot of fun with this one, I’m going to be honest and say I prefer Reily Garrett’s thrillers to Reily Garrett’s paranormal books. Both are a lot of fun, but there’s an extra kick in the thriller books that has me loving them that little bit more. Despite this, there is still plenty to enjoy with Blood Union.

Blood Union shows off Reily Garrett’s wonderful writing and intricate worldbuilding, sucking you right into the story and leaving you desperate to see how everything comes together. There are plenty of elements to this story, numerous things you will want to see play out, ensuring you’ll devour this story in no time at all.

I certainly recommend this to fans of Reily Garrett, and for those new to the author looking for a paranormal read that will hook.

View all my reviews

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