Tuesday 16 April 2019

Review: The Girl King

The Girl King The Girl King by Mimi Yu
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

The Girl King grabbed my attention the moment I stumbled upon it, promising the something different I’m always searching for in my fantasy reads. I jumped in excited, quickly found myself addicted, but in the end it was lacking.

I enjoyed The Girl King, I cannot claim otherwise, and I’m interested in seeing where the second book takes us, but I had been hoping for a wee bit more. It was a fun read, but it felt too much like other books I have read, and it prevented me from loving it in the way I could have.

The Girl King gives us a unique world, introduces us to mythology and lore that will leave you wanting more. There are plenty of things introduced to us, many characters and storylines we want more of, and such will leave you turning the pages rapidly. The more you read, however, the more you realise a lot of the things in the book have been done before. It is the typical formula for such novels, and it never gave me the thing to make it stand out.

I have high hopes for the second book, however, as there is the potential for the second book to wow me. With the interesting things we were introduced to, with the possibilities made apparent in this one, there is the chance for the next book to deliver the things that prevented this book from being the four-star read I had been hoping for.

Overall, The Girl King wasn’t quite what I was hoping for but it was an addictive read.

View all my reviews

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