Monday 8 April 2019

Review: Remnants of Evil

Remnants of Evil Remnants of Evil by Reily Garrett
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Remnants of Evil is the sixth book in Reily Garrett’s McAllister Justice series, and it’s another brilliant addition to the series. Those who have read the prior books in the series will adore this instalment, yet new readers can easily enjoy it as a standalone novel. As ever, I recommend reading the series in order, for that little bit more you receive from watching things grow throughout the books, but it can be enjoyed just as easily as a standalone novel.

As with the prior books in the series, however, I wish to make a quick note before I go into any detail regarding the book. I’m fortunate enough to beta read for Reily Garrett, lucky enough to get an insight in how these books develop. However, this does not influence my rating in any way. The beta reading process is a lot of fun, but I keep my ratings of the final book separate from the beta reading process. My four-star rating (a strong four-star rating, at that) is a reflection of the final product, not what I have seen before.

With Remnants of Evil, fans of the series get to find out more about Abby and Royden. They have appeared in prior books, and we’ve been given snippets of their story, but with Remnants of evil we get to go deeper into their story. Although it is best if you know the details from the prior books, yet there is more than enough in this one to make it stand strong without the need for prior knowledge.

As always, Reily Garrett sucks you into the story in no time at all and leaves you turning the pages at a rapid pace. With wonderful prose, a gripping storyline, fabulous characters, amazing development, and a brilliant romance, Remnants of Evil is the perfect read for fans of romantic suspense.

View all my reviews

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